Travel Hallease Narvaez Travel Hallease Narvaez

My Trip To London

2015 has given me a lot of opportunities to travel not only across this country but internationally as well.  I hope 2016 brings more of the same! 

What a whirlwind the end of the year has been! If you follow me on social media then you know for the first week and a half I was in London for HPE's Discover Conference.  I spent the first week of December at the ExCeL Center in the Docklands interviewing different companies about their HPE products. 

Me holding the new HPE logo

Me holding the new HPE logo

Recently HP (Hewlett Packard) split into two new companies HP Inc and HPE (Hewlett Packard Enterprise).  For the second half of 2015 I spent much of my time co-producing content with Big Picture Lab for this conference. 

Once the work was done, I stayed a few extra days in London to take in the sites! 

Trying some Butter Beer at the Harry Potter Studio Tour

Trying some Butter Beer at the Harry Potter Studio Tour

Mr. Hallease came to join me for 3 days in London, and we tried to jam in a lot of the major sites into the visit.  We ended our stay by doing The Making of Harry Potter Warner Brother's Studio Tour! As a producer, it was so much fun seeing the attention to detail and the creativity behind all the different sets and various props. I, of course, took my camera and documented a little bit of our experience while in London, but to be honest, I didn't record as much as I usually do. I really just wanted to soak everything in, and enjoy the fruits of my hard earned labor this last quarter. 

I broke up our adventures into two videos. The first catalogs my time spent at the Natural History Museum. The second video focuses on all the different things Mr. Hallease and I did once he joined me. 

2015 has been a great year for me in regards to Travel.  I've left the country 3 times, twice for vacation and once for work, and have gotten the opportunity to see parts of the US that I would not visit otherwise.  I hope in 2016 it's more of the same! 

- Hallease

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